Easy Birthday Party Ideas - Birthday Party Themes - Boardman's Birthday Party Ideas
Boardman's Birthday Party Ideas
Free party ideas with many party themes for your child's next party!
Creative ways for you to give your child the best birthday party ever.

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train.jpg (44452 bytes)
Train Party

All Aboard the Birthday Train
We're going to "name" Birthday Party!
Station: Name of "Station" i.e.-The Boardman Station, Please meet at Track # "street address"
RSVP: To the Station Master
Have the birthday boy dress like an Engineer


Red and Black

Draw or make tracks with Chalk or with paper up to the front door or entrance.
Sign on front door: "________" Station, Track #--- through the entrance.
Hang black crepe paper inside with lots of red balloons with black ribbons (don't use helium, tape them to the ceiling, much cheaper and kids can't pull them down too easily)
Party supplies available from
Birthday in a Box

Train Party Party Supplies
Train Party

Birthday in a Box
Railroad Favors


Three ideas

One-make a train using a firm (pound cake type) 9x13 cake cut up into 9 even rectangles. Each piece will be one car of the train. Take two for the engine. On one, cut a triangle shape on the narrow end, to resemble a 'cow catcher.' Place 1/2 of the other piece on the top near one edge, secured with frosting. Use a round snack cake like a ho ho or Twinkie for the boiler, set this in front of the top cake. Frost each piece with your chosen colors. Decorate with mini cookies for wheels, candies for decorations, etc.

Six loaf cakes to make the train cake.  Four for the car bodies and two to use for parts.  It's decorated with frosting, candy, cookies and pretzel sticks. 

Jake with his train cake

Two-make a cake to look like landscape. You can set a toy train on this OR set a small, round track train around it.

Goodie Bags:
Red bags fill with train stickers, train whistle, toys trains, engineer hat and bandana.

Birthday in a Box Engineer hat available from Birthday in a Box

Games and Activities:
For a beginning activity, get together train related die cuts and stickers from the scrap-booking shop and let the kids make pictures with them.

Play Train: Use several packing boxes, one per child and decorate them to look like train cars. These can be used for 'free-play'

Musical "Train Cars": Play train music and have the kids climb into a car when the music stops. Don't take away any boxes.

Birthday Train: Use the same train music and have the kids line up to the 'command' "All Aboard". They will play follow the leader pretending to be a train. Make train noises and movements. Have obstacles set up for them to go around, through and under. Also, use this method, to get them from one area of the party to another...i.e. activities, presents/goodie bags and cake

Pin the number on the Engine: Use this URL to see a photo of the front of an old steam engine. Draw the front of the train on a large piece of paper and then make circles, each with a different number, one per child.

Bean bag Toss: The bean bag toss would work for any theme.  Make it from cardboard stapled onto a wood frame.  Make bean bags out of engineer-striped fabric and stenciled train engines onto them.

many thanks to Nancy Merrill sharing her pictures & ideas!




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