Easy Birthday Party Ideas - Birthday Party Themes - Boardman's Birthday Party Ideas
Boardman's Birthday Party Ideas
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New Year Birthday - New Years Party
Party for older teens or adults
Invitation Ideas:
Night Watch Party ~
Make invitations using white posterboard to make watch large face dials.
Mark dial with numbers 1 -12, draw in the watch hands to mark the party start time.  Also on the face, place the calendar date for the party.
On the back, list appropriate party information with:
"On New Year's Eve at my home
I hope that you will come  (time)
We'll have fun without a doubt
Watching the old year out."

Watch - decorate a round cake in the manner of a clock face set at 12.

Clocks, New Year's decorations, streamers.

Goodie Bags:
Fill party hats with party poppers, noise makers and streamers.

Games & Activities:
Current Events:  Find online or cut out illustrations or photos of the well known events that occurred over the past year.
Number each and write the title on a separate sheet of paper.
Post the photos/illustrations around your room.  When it's time to play the game, pass out sheet of paper for the participants to make their guess on the title of each event.  Make this a timed event.

Confession & Resolutions:
Give each participant a blank paper.  They are to write one confession from the past year and a new resolution.
Encourage these to be silly so they can be read aloud.

Fun questions related to a Watch:
   Question                                       Answer
1.  Used before                              Second Hand
2.  Something everyone has            Face
3.  Supports a flower                      Stem
4.  Between Heaven & Earth           Space
5.  Caesar, Mark Anthony, Brutus    Roman characters
6. 15th Wedding anniversary           Crystal
7.  Used for adornment                   Jewels
8.  What policemen should do         Watch
9.  Seen in a circus                         Ring
10. Read by a secretary                 Minutes
11. Away from the front                  Back
12. A bug                                      Tick
13. Bouncy                                    Springs
14. You use them everyday            Hands





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