Godzilla Stomp
Movie Monster Madness
We're Going to Have a STOMPING good time
(with graphic of
Godzilla or other big monster)
Stomping Day:
Location to be smashed:
RSVP to mommy/daddy monster:
Day-glo Green and Black
Make a mini town using boxes for buildings
(laundry detergent size, milk cartons) |

Green party supplies from
Birthday in a Box

Monster Party Pack |
Green with black trim, add Godzilla toys on top
Or Make a cake shaped like Godzilla's
foot. Use a Red Velvet Cake recipe so the inside is bloody looking.
The frosting can be chocolate tinted forest green, very lizard looking.
Use Chocolate Necco wafers for scales. Take marzipan and
knead black paste food coloring into it to make toenails.
Serve with green punch.
Goodie Bags (eggs):
Godzilla fruit snacks (if available)
Mini plastic monster toys
mini flashlight
Games and Activities:
Charades: kids act out different movie monsters
Monster Bash Relay: Teams run an obstacle course
At go one from each team must knock over bucket, walk on bridge (plank), climb a building
(stand on chair) come back to team. Next in line sets the bucket upright.
Draw a creature: Fold a piece of paper in 5 accordion folds. Give each team of 5 a paper
and pencil. 1st draws head, 2nd neck and shoulders, 3rd body, 4 hips and legs, 5th feet on
their fold. Share the finished drawings.
Godzilla Stomp:
Find monster feet or slippers for each team (big rubber boots could work). Have each team race through the box town set up like an obstacle
course. At the party's end, let the little monsters smash the town.
Godzilla Eggs:
Prior to party, make papier-mâché eggs (newspaper, balloon method) spray paint white or
cream. At the beginning of the party, let kids paint or use markers to decorate Godzilla's
egg. Go on to another activity but have a party helper use a knife to cut a half circle
into the top of the egg. Fill with loot bag items. Tape shut and hide in shredded
newspaper nests or outside depending on season. Explain to the kids that someone or
something has stolen Godzilla's eggs and they must find them. They need to find only the
one that they designed and they must take it home with them for safekeeping. Without their
protection, the future of Godzilla and her offspring are doomed! (a special thanks to
Julia Siniard for this great idea)
Give out flashlights for favors, and let them do
a Godzilla egg hunt in the back yard after dark. Plastic eggs with the boys' names on them
and a prize in each.
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